Christian unity is based on theological recognition, that we are through our faith the members of one Christ’s body. The Christian unity is not just another option, but it is a gift, which is to take and live. As United Methodists we apply theological, biblical and practical mission to seek the unity of all Christians in doing so in local, national and global levels. In various ways we try (by mutual acknowledge of churches, members and ministrants) to find the possibility for common celebration of Eucharist with all members of God’s people. Although we know, that the loyalty to the our own church is always subordinated to life in the church of Jesus Christ, we heartily rejoice in the rich experience of responsible superiors of our United Methodist Church, as we meet it in bilateral and multilateral conversations, but also in other forms of ecumenical contact, which helps to amend the relations between churches and nations. We can see how the Holy Spirit acts, that the unity between the Christians is more visible.
We as humans, who are on this planet dependent on each other, see the necessity to reflect our own heritage in a critical way and to value other traditions conscientiously. By these meetings it is not our goal to reduce doctrinal differences to the smallest religious denominator, but to raise all these relations to the highest possible level of human community and understanding. With God’s mercy we seek together the salvation, wellbeing and peace for all humans. In respectful conversations and practical cooperation we confess our faith in Jesus Christ and we try to show clearly, that Jesus is the life and hope for the world.
The United Methodist Church in Czech Republic is
- founding member of Ecumenical Church Council in Czech Republic
- member of the Community of Protestant Churches in Czech Republic
- member of the Czech Biblical Association
- member of the Evangelical Alliance
- member of the Conference of European Churches
- participant in ecumenical worships and other common projects