
The local church in Brno was founded in 1991 by members of the United Methodist churches in Mikulov and Znojmo, who over the years had moved to Brno. A new parish was formed to include the Brno, Blansko and Znojmo churches. Znojmo is now once again part of a parish with Jihlava. Initially, the congregation in Brno met in the centre of the city in a leased room. In 1995 the congregation was weakened by the departure of a preacher and several active members. Under the leadership of a new pastor, the congregation focused on missionary work in the Brno suburb Bystrc, so new people began to come. Because the local church in Brno does not own a house or room, they meet at Archa – the missionary center of the Roman Catholic Church. Sunday services are attended by around 20 people including children.
Preacher is Jana Daněčková.
Worship starts at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Brno-Bystrc, Lýskova str.
15 Lýskova str., 635 00 Brno
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UMC Jihlava ministry started in July 1923 with several Bible sermons of Dr. J. P. Barták. In August the congregation was founded and in February 1924 they bought a house, which had served till the year of 1968, when the city gave a contemporary chapel as compensation. Regularly, there are about 80 members, mostly families, so there are many children at a time. The congregation has many years old tradition in ministry with kids and teenagers. The youth is active here too and is engaged in missionary activities of our congregation. Besides common worship gathering in church and variety of activities, we have also house gathering (e.g. meeting of mothers and kids). In the year 1993 we opened Asylum house for men, later, Asylum house for mothers with kids..
Administrator is Filip Gärtner.
Worship starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday in rectory, 13 Seifertova St., Jihlava.
Contact: Seifertova 13, 586 01 Jihlava
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Znojmo Church
The Znojmo Church was founded after missionary work in the year 1948. For 40 years it has been attached to UMC Jihlava as a preacher station, for ten years it has been administrated by UMC Brno. Nowadays, it belongs again to the Jihlava parish. The congregation meets in a leased room of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. The older generation of founding fathers has almost died out, the generation of their children has moved out from Znojmo and new people are joining slowly. Nice and open community of the Methodists from Znojmo gathers on Sunday afternoons.
Worship starts at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday in Chelčického 774/2, Znojmo
Contact: Chelčického 774/2, 669 02 Znojmo
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The Church in Litoměřice was founded in the year 1921 after three days preaching in YMCA and worships in a leased room. In the year 1923 the Church bought a house, which used to serve as a liquor pub. It is amazing, that place, where men used to drink with the result of losing their family budget in liquids, became the place of preached gospel. By the opening of chapel Dr. J. Dobeš had sermon on 2Cor 6:16: „For we are the temple of the living God.“ The Christians in UMC Litoměřice try to fulfil this word up till now.
Besides regular worship in the chapel there is gathering of home groups. Time to time, we make up sport events for kids and teenagers. The Church is focused on missionary work, it administrates Center of Christian Help, Maternity Center, Kindergarten and it is engaged in pastoral work in Remand Prison Litoměřice too.
Preacher is Zdeněk Brož.
Worship starts at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday
Sládkova 8, 412 01 Litoměřice
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To the Church belongs also: Středisko křesťanské pomoci and Klubíčko Kindergarten.
The parish Mikulov rose up in the year 1950, when the Czech emigrants returned to the city and its vicinity form the village Vojvodovo in Bulgaria, where they settled during 19th century and at the beginning of 20th century. The Czechs in exile preserved their faith and language. In Bulgaria they joined to the Methodists.
The new parish had two congregations and four preacher stations, all together about 400 members. Most of the youth during the communist period lost their faith. After the Velvet revolution in 1989 started the spiritual revival in the entire country, so as in the Mikulov parish. There were held tent evangelizations annually and many newcomers joined the church. Not all of them kept the faith in Christ, however, the parish has been stabilized and slowly it grows. Nowadays the parish has two congregations – Mikulov and Valtice, and approximately 70 active members from all generations.
Preacher is Ctirad Hrubý
Worship starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, 31 Příční st., Valtice
or at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, 1700/2A Purkyňova st. , Mikulov
Purkyňova 1700/2A, 692 01 Mikulov
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Phone: +420 608 232 119; +420 530 330 779
Plzeň 1 – Lochotín

The rapid growth of unique Plzeň Church led in half of nineties of 20th century to the division to so called “tribes”. From the very beginning, the tribe of Lochotín gathered to worships in a leased room (mostly in schools) or in households. Its vision was further evangelization in the neighbourhood. In the year 1993 this tribe became missionary station with lay workers in the lead. In the year 1996 was established new self-standing parish with missionary station in Stříbro and preacher station in Třemošná with relatively small number of members (around 40).
The church from the very beginning started to gather financial resources for its own chapel. In three years it gathered almost half of million CZK, while it had supported monetarily social work and was financially independent.
The bishop Bolleter asked for support General conference for world mission, where Millennium fund was established. At jubilee conference, in the year 1996, was the construction of new chapel accepted as a priority goal of the church. First steps, from choice of architectonical study till beginning of construction, were one big adventure of faith. On 11th April in 1999 the superintendent J. Červeňák by tapping on foundation stone officially started the construction of chapel, which was been finished in November the same year and on 18th December solemnly opened. In the new building the church lives regular worship life. It is focused on missionary work especially with young generation of the inhabitants of housing estate in neighbourhood. In the new centre there are daily activities for church and visitors from vicinity.
Preacher is Pavel Kuchynka
Worship starts at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday,
in Plzeň 1 – Lochotín (Bolevecká náves 2, Plzeň)
or in Horšovský Týn (Nádražní 79, Horšovský Týn)
Bolevecká náves 2, 323 00 Plzeň 1 – Lochotín
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Plzeň 3 – Husova

In the year 1923 was founded the congregation, which 4 years later built up the Bethlem Chapel in Husova Street. With other preacher stations it had around 1200 members. Three periods (economic crisis in the thirties, during the WW2 and after the communistic putsch in the year 1948 – especially the fifties) delivered serious blows into the life of this young congregation with the result of significant reduction in numbers of member’s base. A series of persecution measures culminated in the nationalization of the chapel, still one room could be used for the needs of the congregation till the year 1964. Thereafter it had to meet in a leased room. Over 20 years, the church tried to keep the congregation alive, but in the half of eighties had almost died out. With the end of eighties the new period started. The preacher arranged evangelization; he started to teach the elements of Christianity and started to find new space for congregation. When the possibility of buying new house opened, new people started to attend the chapel. After the Velvet revolution the congregation could not fit into the chapel. The chapel in Husova Street, previously stolen by communists, was retrieved. In the year 1996 the UMC of Plzeň was divided into three parishes: Plzeň 3 – Husova, Plzeň 1 – Lochotín a Staňkov.
Pastor is Pavel Hradský.
Worship starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday,
Husova 14, 301 24 Plzeň 3
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Praha 2 – Nové Město

The church in Prague 2 was founded in the year 1921 after series of evangelisations in the space of Prague Lucerna. By the end of the year 1924 it grew in numbers to 400 members. In the year 1926 the new built church house was opened, which serves till today not only for congregation needs, but also as an UMC Czech District office. The church lives with regular worship life. Besides Sunday’s meetings and bible studies, time to time the church arranges congregation afternoons or cooperates on evangelizations.
The preacher is Jana Křížová.
Worship starts at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday
Ječná 19, 120 00 Praha 2
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Praha 9 – Horní Počernice
The church in Prague 9 rose up not in a typical way. In twenties the church operated here an orphanage and later also a home for the elderly. To the ministry of charity institute the Procházka family joined. After the WW2 the communist establishment forced the suspension of this ministry. The member’s base has diminished and the congregation state was changed to preacher station. Not until the year 1980 the state of the congregation is renewed and with the year 1991 the first paid preacher came. In the year 1999, after many difficulties, the castle was retrieved to the church. Once again, in the castle is the possibility of social work opened. From July 1999, the Centre of Christian Help has been established here.
The administrator is Ivana Procházková.
Worship starts at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday
Křovinovo náměstí 12/18, 193 00 Praha 9
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Praha 10 – Strašnice

The church in Prague 10 – Strašnice
The first assembly of the UMC in Strašnice with great attention of the public was hold on the last Sunday in January 1921. Thereafter the preaching lectures followed, which were focused on evangelization. In April the evangelization effort culminated in gospel preaching in tents. After three moths the second Prague church has been established. There were around 200 active attendants, at that time. The congregation felt the need of their own liturgical space. Small gatherings took place in member’s flats, bigger assemblies were then in a leased room, mostly in saloons. This has changed in the year 1924, when church bought a land, where on 6th of April the foundation stone was put down. In a little less than 5 months the construction was finished. The church gained the space, which they so much prayed for.
The preacher is Milan Mrázek.
Worship starts at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday
Vilová 26, 100 00 Praha 10
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In the year 1922 started the UMC ministry in Protivín with the week-long series of preaching under blue sky on city square. As a follow up to this week there were worships in a tent nearby the old cemetery. Across this place a building was bought for more than 100 registered members. About 17 preachers took their turn here. Just as in all congregations also here the period of communism delivered serious blows into the entire Christian ministry. After the Velvet revolution the situation changed. In nineties the long-standing DIY reconstruction of congregation house has been finished. In the years 1993-4 the new tent evangelization took its old place and newcomers showed up. The congregation took new breath with young people and the family spirit blew over the activities of the church. In the year 1995 hosted the Conference of Faith. Nowadays it has around 50 members. The desire of this people is to follow the path of Jesus.
The preacher is Richard Novák.
Worship starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday
At congregation Týn nad Vltavou (416 Komzákova St.) Sunday service starts at 2:00 p.m.
Mírová 171, 398 11 Protivín
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In the year 1883 rose up the first Wesleyan church directly in Kladno, based on the ministry of V. Páral. The church was supervised by Methodist preacher in Vienna. Since there is quite a distance between these cities, in the year 1892 the church has been united with the Free Reformed Church. However, the ministry of Methodist church in Kladno region begun to amplify, especially when in twenties of 20th century the Methodist missionaries came under the lead of Doctor J. Dobeš.
In autumn 1921, a missionary tent was built in Slaný. At the beginning the newcomers gathered in a leased room in various locations. In the year 1924 the church bought a house, which due to big expenses was sold soon. The issue with the place for worship has been solved with the construction of the Jan Hus House, ceremonially opened in July 1929. During following years the congregation went through many changes. It grew, but also diminished. Nowadays it belongs to minor congregations and it is conservative.
After almost 100 years the UMC ministry in Kladno has been restored, namely, the ministry for physically handicapped persons. This took its start by a missionary worker, who was also handicapped. The congregation grows not only thanks to handicapped persons, but also other people are joining. It meets in a leased room.
The preacher is Josef Červeňák.
Worship starts on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in Slaný, Vepřkova 1087
Vepřkova 1087, 274 01 Slaný
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The parish of Tachov has been established in the UMC Annual Conference 2002.
The UMC Tachov rose up in the year 1992/3 with a ministry of Pavel Beneš and other people, who became Christians during their study in Plzeň. Thereafter they were supported in their ministry by congregation Maranatha. The workers regularly commuted from Plzeň, worked with kids and preached as late as preacher Richard Novák started his ministry. He commuted too, but not from such a distance – from Kokašice, twice a week. The UMC Tachov has been at the very beginning a missionary station of the UMC Maranatha in Plzeň. In the year 1995 the bishop reassigned this station to UMC Karlovy Vary, in the year 2000 the UMC Tachov returned under the parish Plzeň 3 – Maranatha, and finally, in the year 2002 the independent parish of Tachov has been established.
As the time was passing the composition of the congregation has been changing. Many of founding members left, however, many new-comers emerged. The church has been strengthened by group of believers, which came from Christian Fellowship and one by one joined also people from outside. When we managed to get a rent room at city square, house number 70, from the city hall, we decided to open the church for public. The room got the name #70 (Sedmdesátka) and we established there a tea room with daily operation. In #70 began to work the choir Fusion. They hold there Evenings with Literature, meeting of maternity club Krteček, Royal Rangers and other events. In the year 2016 the church began to work with recently established bureau of St. George Hospice. In the church lead emerged successively preachers Miloslav Čech, Zdeněk Eberle, Milan Mrázek a Petr Vaďura.
- The preacher is Petr Vaďura
- Worship starts at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, nám. Republiky 85, Tachov
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- Websites:

On 12th of May 1922 J. P. Barták came to Třeboň for the first time to check the possibilities of evangelization and founding of church. Already in June, he set a series of preaching in the hall of Právovarečné měšťanstvo. As a follow-up of his preaching 171 persons joined the church and their numbers grew so quickly that in the year 1923 the parish (Stráž nad Nežárkou included) over 500 members. One year later, new church was built, which serves until now. The economic crisis, the WW2 and sub-sequent communist period ceased the growth of ministry in the parish. Nowadays has UMC Třeboň around 30 members, who participate on regular life of congregation – Sunday worships, Bible studies and prayer gathering.
The preacher is Mária Kunstová.
Worship starts at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday
Seifertova 449, 379 01 Třeboň
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ESUMC Prague
Welcome to the English Speaking United Methodist Church of Prague. Please join us for weekly worship at 11 AM (Sunday) at our Prague 10 location – 28. pluku 15.
V roce 2011 byl v Praze založen metodistický sbor „English Speaking United Methodist Church Prague“, který pro své bohoslužby užívá anglický jazyk. Jeho členy jsou jak cizinci žijící v Praze, tak i čeští občané. Jako zakládající farářka zde sloužila Michelle McKinnon Young z Johnson City UMC District v Tennessee, spolu se svým manželem Garym Waynem Youngem.
Nyní sbor vede farářka Velma Campbell.
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